Free Blackwork Patterns To Download

Free Cross StitchPatterns
(Updated 15th, June 2019, Next update on 15th, July 2019)

Atleast 30 new patterns are added each Month in our new/latestpatterns section. We select two of these patterns to appear in thissection for only 4 weeks to be available to print for FREE only for fourweeks. After that time they will be removed and 2 new patterns will befeatured here so check back often, and let your friends know to comehere to download the free cross stitch patterns.

Free Blackwork Charts

Weoffer these crossstitch freebies to help you sample our patterns. Bydownloadingthese patterns you are accepting our copyrightrules.These PDF files are for your use only, they may notbe passedonto others whether for profitor not in any manner.You will need theAdobe Acrobat Reader program to view and print the patterns. If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can get it for freehere Sign up for our newsletter if youwould like anemail sent to you every fortnight to let you know when we have updatedour patterns.Clickhere to subscribe.

Apr 8, 2018 - Subscribe to my Newsletter and download your 30 FREE Blackwork Filler patterns:). In addition to these patterns, you will also receive an.

Free blackwork patterns christmas

Note:Ifyou have problems downloading the free patterns there may be some conflictionbetween yourbrowser and the pdf reader which is why the patterns do not downloadcorrectly for you. This can happen from time to time. It could berelated to either your version of the browser or reader you are using.It may help to download the latest version of the reader here
Or you could try saving the file to your hard drive first, then openingthe reader and opening the pattern up in the reader. To do this go towhere it says click here to print and right click your mouse button onthese words, a list will come up, select save as, or it might say savelink as, then save the pdf file somewhere on your computer, you mayeven like to start a new folder titled artecy so you can find thepatterns easily.
Then open up your adobe reader and in that program go up to the topleft and select file and select open and then open the pattern fromwhere it was saved.

Blackwork embroidery patterns

Lookingfor more Artecy Freebies? You may be interested in joining our ArtecyCross Stitch Facebook Group. Not only is it a wonderful place foranyone who loves Artecy Cross Stitch designs to display their finishedArtecy works or WIP's and to get get advice and encouragement fromfellow stitchers but we also offer a freebie to members of the groupevery month as a thank you for displaying their works in progress andfor their support. To join please visit here

Thetwo free patterns below are for yourpersonal use only, they are only free for two weeks as a way to sampleour designs. They are not to be passed to others whether for profit ornot and most certainly cannot be uploaded to forums for thousands todownload. We have been monitoring these designs being posted on aparticularly horrible chinese forum.

Cats and Flowers
Stitches = 238w x 300h
(17' x 21.5' using14count)
Colours = 64
Clickhereto Print

(31 Pagestotal)

Zebra with Colourful Stripes
Stitches = 243w x 167h
(17.5' x 12' eachusing14count)
Colours = 29

(19 Pagestotal)
Please Note: If we have released new patterns and you are still seeing the old freebies, your browser is storing the old page, if you refresh the page in your browser with the refresh or reload button at the top of your browser, it will refresh the page & the new patterns will come up.

Pleasenote: To Members from our old membership plan. As promised we areredoing 450 very old members patterns from the members area. With moreexperience and better software we feel we can make better versions ofthese designs now. These old designs were pre 2005. The old designswere never offered for single sale at the Artecy Shop. Theolddesigns are still in the members area andwill stay there, on the members home page look for the blue writingjust under the Artecy Shop Logo and you will see the link to thesethere. Members have been, and are most welcome to email us the patternnames you would like to be redone first. As we no longer release newpatterns in the members area, we are offering these new versions herefor free for download. For our two freebies we will generally offer oneredo pattern and a new freebie each fortnight, until they are allredone.

SpecialBulk Pattern Offer
Save $40

Free Blackwork Patterns To Download Free

OurArtecy Cross Stitch patterns are also available for download at the twowebsites below.

More FreeCross Stitch Patterns
Thepatterns belowstay inthis free patterns section

Stitches = 21wx 37h
(1.5' x 3' using 14count)
Colours = 2

Click here to print

Stitches = 45wx 76h
(3.5' x 5.5' using14count)
Colours = 2

Click here to print
PinkRibbon to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Research

Artecy CrossStitch is releasing thispink ribbon pattern to the public domain for anyone to pass and sharethis pattern around for free and people can also stitch this design onproducts to sell for donations for Breast Cancer Research.

Thispink ribbon pattern can also be used forsome other awareness ribbons, see below for substitute colours. Seehere for each colours meaning

GreenDonor Ribbon
Stitches = 21w x 37h
(1.5' x 3' using 14count)
Colours = 2
Clickhereto Print

GreenDonor Ribbon Large
Stitches = 45w x 76h
(3.5' x 5.5' using14count)
Colours = 2
Clickhereto Print
GreenRibbon for Donor Awareness and Autism AwarenessRibbon and Puzzle Pieces

Artecy CrossStitch is releasingthese ribbons and puzzle pieces to the public domain for anyone to passand share thesepatterns around for free and people can also stitch these designs onproducts to sell for donations.

AutismAwareness Ribbon
Stitches = 56w x 99h
(4' x 7' using 14count)
Colours = 7
Clickhere toPrint

Gay PrideRibbon
Stitches = 28w x 58h
(2' x 4.5' using 14count)
Colours = 6
Clickhere toPrint
Artecy Cross Stitch is releasing thisribbon to the public domain for anyone to pass and share this patternaround for free and people can also stitch this design on products tosell.

ALS Ribbon
Stitches = 28w x 58h
(2' x 4.5' using 14count)
Colours = 2
Clickhere toPrint

ArtecyCross Stitch is releasing thisribbon to the public domain for anyone to pass and share this patternaround for free and people can also stitch this design on products tosell.

AutismAwareness Puzzle Pieces
Blocksare a standard size so you can expand pattern to any size by justadding more puzzle pieces.
Stitches= 23w x 55h
(2' x 4' using 14count)
Colours = 5
Clickhere toPrint

General Free Cross Stitch Patterns Below -Not Public Domain

Union Jack
Stitches = 150w x 75h
(11' x 5.5' using14count)

Colours = 3
Click hereto print

Mini Union Jack
Stitches = 80w x 40h
(6' x 3' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Clickhere to Print

Stitches = 50w x 19h
(3.5' x 1.5' using14count)

Colours = 2
Clickhere to Print

Pink Ribbon
Stitches = 29w x 47h
(2' x 3.5' using 14count)

Colours = 4
Clickhere to Print

Maltese Cross 1
Stitches = 104w x 104h
(7' x7.5' using 14count)
Colours = 1
Clickhere toPrint

Maltese Cross 2
Stitches = 106w x 106h
(7.5' x 7.5' using14count)

Colours = 2
Clickhere toPrint

Malta Flag
Stitches = 140w x 93h
(10' x 7' using 14count)

Colours = 5
Clickhere to Print

Mini Australian Flag
Stitches = 80w x 40h
(6' x 3' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Clickhere to Print

Mini US Flag
Stitches = 80w x 39h
(6' x 3' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Clickhere to Print

Mini Canadian Flag
Stitches = 80w x 40h
(6' x 3' using 14count)
Colours = 2
Click here to Print

Italian Flag
Stitches = 150w x 100h
(11' x 7' using 14count)

Colours = 3
Click hereto Print

Poland Flag
Stitches = 150w x 94h
(11' x 7' using 14count)

Colours = 6
(I believe thisis not the current flag for poland.
For the current flag remove the emblem and replace
with white stitches.)

Click hereto Print

New Zealand Flag
Stitches = 150w x 91h
(11' x 6.5' using14count)
Colours = 3
Click here to Print

Mini New Zealand Flag
Stitches = 80w x 40h
(6' x 3' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Clickhere to Print

Stitches = 146w x 138h
(10.5' x 10' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Clickhere to Print

MiniTexas Flag
Stitches = 68w x 65h
(5' x 5' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Clickhere toPrint

Stitches = 303w x 207h
(22' x 15' using 14count)
Colours = 4
Clickhere to Print

(19 Pages)

Indigenous Australians Flag
Stitches = 150w x 110h
(11' x 8' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Click here toPrint

Mini Indigenous Australians Flag
Stitches = 80w x 58h
(6' x 4.5' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Click here to Print

Puerto Rico Flag
Stitches = 140w x 93h
(10' x 7' using 14count)
Colours = 3
Click here to Print

Blackwork Embroidery Charts

NEW!! Artecy CrossStitch has another new website for the fantastic new craft of Pixelhobby We canconvert most of our cross stitch patternsover to Pixelhobby format, best of all it takes you much less time tocomplete Pixelhobby than cross stitch and there is no counting, orthreading needles involved. Click on the banner above to see what it'sall about.